Monday, February 20, 2012

Join on a third table

I currently have a join on 2 tables. An abbreviation of the code is as follow:

sql = "SELECT pd.RaceID, ir.EventPl, ir.RacePl FROM PartData pd INNER JOIN IndResults ir ON pd.PartID = ir.PartID WHERE pd.RaceID = " & lRaceID & " ORDER By EventPl"

Here's the problem: I need to change the WHERE clause to a field value from another table. How do I incorporate a join with a third table?

Thanks!select T1.*, T3.*
from T1 join T2 on join T3 on T2.altid =||| I need to use JOIN as opposed to INNER JOIN? Also, do I need to give T2 and altid?

Thanks!|||Have you gone thru JOINS topic in books online, has got code examples so.|||I will do that!

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