Monday, February 20, 2012

Join problem


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[UserName] [nvarchar](50) NULL

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Unal')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Volkan')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Duygu')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Elif')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Mehmet')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] VALUES('Demir')

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Agenda](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ActivityName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[UserId] [nvarchar](50) NULL

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Agenda] VALUES('school excursion','1,3,4')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Agenda] VALUES('party','6,2,3,1')

Table Name : Users

Id UserName

1 Unal

2 Volkan

3 Duygu

4 Elif

5 Mehmet

6 Demir

Table Name : Agenda

Id ActivityName UserId

1 school excursion 1,3,4

2 party 6,2,3,1

I want to join Users table with Agenda table.

The Result has to be like below:

Id ActivityName UserId UserNames

1 school excursion 1,3,4 Unal, Duygu, Elif

2 party 6,2,3,1 Demir, Volkan, Duygu, Unal

How can I do it in SQL 2005. I don't want use cursor.


if I can't do that join, I have to do other join that it's below.

Id ActivityName UserId UserNames

1 school excursion 1 Unal

1 school excursion 3 Duygu

1 school excursion 4 Elif

2 party 6 Demir

2 party 2 Volkan

2 party 3 Duygu

2 party 1 Unal

thanks so much for help

What you are attempting to accomplish is a form of denormalization. While it is not a 'straightforward' task in T-SQL, here are links to a couple of approaches that may work for you.

Lists -Field Concatenation, One Field to Itself for string

Thanks everbody who help and answer.

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