Monday, March 26, 2012

Julian Date

A table that I am querying from has the date field in julian date format "04194". I am only wanting to pull the information from this table that is => than todays date. Maybe some of you have done this before and can give a little help in finding the best way to do this?You could take today's date and subtract it from the first day of the year (DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate ) ) to give you an int value for the day of the year (actually day of year -1 since 20040101 - 20040101 = 0). Then convert to a 3 character value and concatinate the two digit year to the front and ... tadaaa ... the julian date.|||? I am not following you?|||You can get the Julian date using:SELECT 1000 * (DatePart(yy, GetDate()) % 100) + DatePart(dy, GetDate())If you need it in character format, you can use:SELECT Replace(Str(
1000 * (DatePart(yy, GetDate()) % 100) + DatePart(dy, GetDate()), 5), ' ', '0')After you've got that, the rest should just be a simple compare.

-PatP|||Or you could go the other way so you can utilize all of SQL Server's functions

DECLARE @.julian char(5), @.gregorian datetime
SELECT @.julian = '04194'
SELECT @.gregorian = DATEADD(dd,CONVERT(int,SUBSTRING(@.julian,3,3)),CON VERT(datetime,'20'+SUBSTRING(@.julian,1,2)+'/01/01'))
SELECT DATEDIFF(dd,GetDate(),@.gregorian)|||Perfect!...Thanks for your help. I was going about it the wrong way. I was trying to convert the julian date and then compare.|||Thanks also Brett That was a road I was eventually going to have to cross.|||udf's...Makes a perfect house warming gift

CREATE FUNCTION udf_JulianToGregorian(@.julian char(5))
RETURNS datetime
DECLARE @.gregorian datetime
SELECT @.gregorian =
,CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(@.julian,1,2) BETWEEN '00' AND '50'
THEN '20'
ELSE '19'
RETURN @.gregorian

DECLARE @.julian char(5)
SELECT @.julian = '04194'
SELECT dbo.udf_JulianToGregorian(@.julian)

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