Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jump To Report with Multi Valued Parameter Value

I have a mutli-valued, (cascading? dependent on other parameter
values) parameter whose values are retrieved from a database query. I
want to set the default value of the parameter to be the same as the
"Select All" function. How can I acheive this?
To explain, I have two budget reports. The first is a summary, which
groups lines by expense codes and then displays a total. Each dollar
figure is set to click through to the detail report, and filter the
results based on the expense code from the line clicked on. However,
if the user clicks on the total figure (all expense codes), the
resulting detail report only shows the detail for the first object code
in the list. It should display the detail for all object codes.
Thanks -
<> wrote in message
>I have a mutli-valued, (cascading? dependent on other parameter
> values) parameter whose values are retrieved from a database query. I
> want to set the default value of the parameter to be the same as the
> "Select All" function. How can I acheive this?
SELECT 0 as Value, 'Select All' as Description
SELECT ID as Value, Columnname as Description FROM YourTable
When you set =0 as your default value, you should be fine.
> To explain, I have two budget reports. The first is a summary, which
> groups lines by expense codes and then displays a total. Each dollar
> figure is set to click through to the detail report, and filter the
> results based on the expense code from the line clicked on. However,
> if the user clicks on the total figure (all expense codes), the
> resulting detail report only shows the detail for the first object code
> in the list. It should display the detail for all object codes.
It looks like RS is having troubles to determine what to put in the
parameter, I think you have the parameter set up to get the contents of the
field (expense code) of the line you click on. But on the total line there
is no such field. This can be solved by altering your subreport parameters.
Set them up so that the subreport gives the details of all the expense
> Thanks -
> Sarah

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