Friday, March 30, 2012

Jump to URL in ReportViewer- Underline not displaying

I have a text box in a table that has its text-decoration property set to
Underline. The textbox has its value set from a column in a dataset. I have
also defined the following as its Jump to URL expression:
="http://" & Parameters!WebServerName.Value &
"/Policy/Reports/AdvisorAccountPolicyStatus.aspx?asofdate=" &
Parameters!dAsOfDate.Value & "&AdvId=" & Fields!ENCRYPTED_USER_ID.Value
The second I define the Jump to URL expression and deploy the report, the
Underline stops being displayed. If I remove the Jump to URL expression, the
Underline is displayed.
I am using the .Net ReportViewer control. I know that the HTML is being
rendered properly for the text-decoration, but the reportviewer control
refuses to display it. If I view the report using the SQL Reporting Services
management tool, the underline is displayed.
Does anyone have a solution?
Keith MisegadesIf anyone has a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Everything I have tried has failed and we really need a solution to this
"Keith" wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a text box in a table that has its text-decoration property set to
> Underline. The textbox has its value set from a column in a dataset. I have
> also defined the following as its Jump to URL expression:
> ="http://" & Parameters!WebServerName.Value &
> "/Policy/Reports/AdvisorAccountPolicyStatus.aspx?asofdate=" &
> Parameters!dAsOfDate.Value & "&AdvId=" & Fields!ENCRYPTED_USER_ID.Value
> The second I define the Jump to URL expression and deploy the report, the
> Underline stops being displayed. If I remove the Jump to URL expression, the
> Underline is displayed.
> I am using the .Net ReportViewer control. I know that the HTML is being
> rendered properly for the text-decoration, but the reportviewer control
> refuses to display it. If I view the report using the SQL Reporting Services
> management tool, the underline is displayed.
> Does anyone have a solution?
> Thanks,
> Keith Misegades

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