Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jump to Report Issue

I have a "Jump to Report" issue. I have created a report that runs itself
with new parameters when a cell is clicked on. It works great except that
when it is run on the web, the "Jump to Report" has no access to the
parameters. I need to be able to have the parameters visible so the users
can change out their values at will.
I can not find any settings to turn on or off the parameters in the Jump-to
screens.You have to use Jump to URL. Here is an example of an expression that I use
for this. Note the global variable that puts in the server name of where the
report is running from.
=Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?/Inventory/Similar Loads&Manifest=" &
First(Fields!manifstdocno.Value, "LoadID") &"&WasteIDNum=" &
First(Fields!wasteidnum.Value, "LoadID")
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"mlapoint" <> wrote in message
> I have a "Jump to Report" issue. I have created a report that runs itself
> with new parameters when a cell is clicked on. It works great except that
> when it is run on the web, the "Jump to Report" has no access to the
> parameters. I need to be able to have the parameters visible so the users
> can change out their values at will.
> I can not find any settings to turn on or off the parameters in the
> screens.

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