Friday, March 30, 2012

Jump to URL Error

I'm trying to put a hyperlink in a field on a report. I've found the action property and set the "Jump To" box with the following:

="" & Fields!Unit.Value

I'm getting this error message:

The Hyperlink expression for the textbox ‘textbox24’ refers to the field ‘Unit’. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.

Please help.



1. Click View -> Datasets from within your report server project.
2. Expand the dataset that is associated with the table or matrix in your report that this field references.

3. If the Unit field is not in the list for that dataset, right click the dataset and then click refresh. The field should now appear in the list.

4. Rebuild and deploy the report.


If the text box that you have set the property on is not in a data region (list, table, or matrix) you will need to use an aggregator to access values from a dataset. Either add the text box to a list and let the list provide you with one copy of the text box for each item in the data set or change your formula to:

Code Snippet


and the first value will be used. A real easy way to get the expression, including scoping string, is to drag the field onto your report from the Datasets tab to your report. This will create a text box with an aggregator expression (first or sum) as the value.

To create a list and bind it to your data set, add the list and then on the properties tab (hit F4 if you don't see it) set the DataSetName property to be the data set with the field 'Unit'. Add your current text box to the list by dragging it over the list and dropping it once the pointer changes to the arrow with the attached small box.

Good luck!


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